Thursday, June 15, 2006

TheWino's own Vocabulary

Automagic: How really good [and slick] software works - it's Automagic! The software takes your color photo and automagically converts it into 100 year old looking sepia image.

Dehance: To remove features in a product between releases, most notably in the software industry. We dehanced the software by removing that specific feature; we didn't think anyone used it.

0-Dark-Hundred: Anytime after midnight and before sunrise, usually used in conjunction with having to wake up early for work or travel. We have to get up an 0-Dark-hundred to catch our 7 am flight to LA.

Bustimicated [also see brokimified]: When something is broken in the product, usually unexpectedly or in a very common part of the product. I can't believe the save function is bustimicated, it is a core feature of the product.

Blogrific [also see blogtastic]: A terrific [or fantastic] blog entry. This can be used with nearly any noun, for example: My sandwich is Hamrific [or Hamtastic] - because of the tasty Ham. Note: I have been using this type of wording since the IDe days, way before Comcast went all Comcastic.


At 3:18 PM, June 20, 2006, Blogger TheWino said...

That is fantastic...


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