Does spamming really work? I mean I get different things by email all the time and I have never once looked into any of the information presented in the unsolicited [and unwanted] mail. The term spam is derived from the Monty Python SPAM sketch, set in a cafe where everything on the menu includes SPAM luncheon meat. As the server recites the SPAM-filled menu, presently a chorus of Viking patrons drowns out all normal conversation with a song, repeating "SPAM, SPAM, SPAM, SPAM" and singing "lovely SPAM, wonderful SPAM" over and over again, stopping all conversation, hence SPAMming the dialogue. More recently backronym's for SPAM have been devised as Silly Pointless Annoying Messages or Self-Promotional Advertising Material or Sending Persistently Annoying Mail. What ever it means, I want to state publicly for the record I do not need:Stock Tips for companies I have never heard of
Prescription medication from Canada or anywhere else in the world
[Pirated] Software at a low price, isn't it free?
A chance to win a Ipod Nano, I'm covered with two MP3 players
Work-From-Home business/job and even if I did, I wouldn't look for one to just arrive in my inbox
Information on Military Benefits
A college diploma in "two weeks" - Only the fat lady in Total Recall can say Two Weeks
More credit cards - I have plenty
Information about buying crap on eBay
Fake Rolex, I have a reproduction watch which works just fine for me
Survey's for Coke vs Pepsi [they should already know I love Diet Coke with Lime]
To check my banking information
Thanks for reading and that's the end of this Self Promoting Annoying Message!
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