Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Virginia Tech - In Memoriam



At 3:25 PM, April 18, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why can't young men just commit suicide alone in their own room, just like they used to the good old days? Why do they feel the need to shoot up a school and then finish themselves off? It is not like they can't go through with it, because Chung-Cho-Chin had no problem killing himself in the end. (I am going to disrepect the shooter by never committing his actual name to memory.)

I know there are plenty of weak-willed a**hole pussies who have committed "suicide by cop" because they couldn't go through with it on their own. Those people need to figure out they can just O.D. on pills in their sleep. However, this shooter had no problem with pulling the trigger, so why take it out on the rest of the campus?

Suicide is a horrible thing and is brought on by mental illness and it is tragic when it happens. I think this school shoot-em-up trend is something very different and needs to be studied and stopped, and I think everything from antidepressants to violent video games/movies to irresponsible parents should be on the table as factors. I will note, however, that I realize the UTexas shooting of 1966 occurred before the advent of mainstream antidepressants or video games. If we cannot figure this out as a society, then we will all have to start passing an annual "mental stability" exam, and I know I will fail that every time.

At 3:38 PM, April 18, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lee Lee said......
It's a whole new generation thing now. I won't repeat the name that J-man gave the murderer coward of the fear the IMUS haters will fire me but this world we live in is crazy. Sanjaya maybe the next American Idol.

This coward HATED, he was DISTURBED, he came to America in the 90's because his mom and dad wanted to give him a better life. Who knew a green card could buy you a gun or several guns. This murderer was kicked out of his English class because these kids feared him, the teacher felt uncomfortable and I am sure this fueled his ANGER.

Those of you with children who have friends who are introverts beware. Take everything people say seriously and for Pete's sake do not say BOMB on a plane...bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb.......

It's a very scary world we live in and the only way to cope is to pray to God and ask him to open His arms to those who came home that day. Believe me, they are in a better place.

As far as our MURDERER....well, the bible does speak of HELL. He may not have thought this one through.

p.s. Where is his family, how come they are not on TV trying to explain this. I agree, parents of young MURDERERs should have some responsibility.


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