Friday, April 06, 2007

Brew Years Eve

Tomorrow mark's the 74th anniversary of the beginning of the end of prohibition. On April 7 1933, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed into law an amendment to the Volstead Act known as the Cullen-Harrison bill allowing the manufacture and sale of "3.2 beer" (3.2 percent alcohol by weight). Eight months later, December 5th to be exact, the 21 Amendment was ratified ending probation.

So what do you call the day where beer could be enjoyed again here in the us? Brew Years Eve of course. The Brewers Association's website has some additional information on this holiday as well as some local listing for events [sorry none listed for Massachusetts - at least none listed on their site].

Also this weekend is the debut of a Here's To Beer documentary called American Brew which is a hour long journey through the rich history of American Beer. It will be broadcast on A&E April 07 at 10pm/9C and April 08 at 2am/1C. Don't forget to set your DVR before heading out to your local Brew Years Eve celebration.

So tomorrow, lift and pint of your favorite brew and, say it with me, Hoppy Brew Years Eve! Just had to do it. Cheers.



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