Friday, April 13, 2007

Goodbye Don

The following are quotes attributed to Don Imus along with who he was referencing:

"Chest-thumping pimps." - the New York Knicks
"William Cohen, the Mandingo deal." - Former Defense Secretary Cohen's African-American Wife
"A fat, pill-popping loser." - Rush Limbaugh
"I don't know how she gets that lipstick on looking like a rodeo clown." - Janet Reno, Former U.S. Attorney General and Parkinson's sufferer
"I didn't know that Alan Bloom was coming in from the back end." - Posthumously about author Alan Bloom, after it became known he was gay
"Old Kabuki's in a coma and the market's going up. How old is the boy? The battery's running down on that boy." - Japanese Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi, who died the next week.
"I tried to put it in terms that these money-grubbing bastards could understand." - Jewish management at CBS.

And for the one that actually got him fired, which couldn't of happened to a nicer guy:

"That's some nappy-headed hos there. I'm gonna tell you that now, man, that's some -- woo. And the girls from Tennessee, they all look cute, you know, so, like -- kinda like -- I don't know." - Rutgers University women's basketball team.

Well Don thanks for the memories, even if they of an over-rated, childlike, racist former radio host. Time to go back to your summer home you call a tax write off as the Imus Ranch for Kids with Cancer, say hi to the .7 of a African American child you claimed visited the ranch last summer and enjoy some of your 1977 Vodka and Cocaine.



At 11:11 PM, April 12, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, here we go: Now this couldn't have happened to a "nicer" guy. Imus is an A-1, numero uno, old-fashioned prick. However, what he said, as you aptly point out, is par for the course on his show, which a LOT of people (used to) listen to. I thought he got in more trouble for the mean-spirited nature of his comment more than the racist or sexist components. If I am listening to his show, I expect him to say off-colored (pun intended) comments while his guests play the straight and narrow. I have to admit I laughed at more than one of these comments listed in your blog. I just read them again, and laughed again! Imus is getting fired, and that was long overdue, but this comment is a small part of the reason. I'll be the skeptic here and say that I am sure the companies that pulled their advertising made a BUSINESS DECISION and decided this was a time to put their money elsewhere.

I am so happy now that Imus is gone, we can have our ever-vigilant press go back and cover real news, such as who shot the million-dollar load into Anna Nicole Smith. Oops, that was already covered! The Duke Rape Case? Closed! Uh-oh. Maybe we should go back to scaring everyone about subprime mortgages, it's just not as sexy as those other stories.

One thing is for sure, I am glad that all of these people (Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson especially) can kick Imus on the way down and get their 10 second sound bite on the daily news. To be fair, they probably owed him a few jabs. Let's see how long America's newfound "need for decency" lasts. I am guessing all of about a week.

At 9:53 AM, April 13, 2007, Blogger TheWino said...

I think it will be less than a week before the next undecent story hits the air.

BTW I agree this was a business decision first, a moral one second.

Now back to watching Girls Gone Wild on the net.

At 10:24 AM, April 13, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like Girls Gone Wild, but I decided to mix it up a bit. I tried Googling for "Nappy Hos Gone Wild" and nothing came up but pictures of sleeping hookers!

At 11:28 AM, April 13, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kym's Bitchin Ho here, I for one am sorry Kym's dad got fired. To think he was just quoting watered down rap lyrics and lost his job. Old white cowboys can't rap? Bad double standard, I know they can't jump... but rap, why not. To think Chris Rock should have been fired years ago for what he says about white people (only we get the joke). Imus was wrong, he doesn't have the street cred to bitch slap the black women with the likes of SNOOPY DOGG (insert white guy joke here) and the rest of the (I can't sing as good as Sanjaya) SO I RAP... community.

In my judgement Imus was wrong, He just wouldn't have been fired if he was Imus Sharpton.

At 11:56 AM, April 13, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Imus got fired because he was an a-hole that wasn't making enough money. If $0.50 (fitty-cent) can help GM sell an extra 100,000 cars, they will give him the cash, no matter what he calls black women.

That said, your point is true. Chris Rock calls me a "cracka" and suffers no consequences. What kind of bullshit is it that certain people can say something but others can't? The double standard is ridiculous! Can only white alcoholic sluts can call Paris Hilton a tramp? Can only white rich guys call Donald Trump a windbag? Do I have to have homosexual sex before I can look at a cheesy outfit and call it "gay"? Will that mean that I truly understand the meaning of the word?

Absolutely ridiculous. The next person that cracks a bald joke at me that has a full head of hair is going to get a cap in their ass!

At 12:43 PM, April 13, 2007, Blogger TheWino said...

J you make me laugh so hard. Seriously when are we going to write a screen play for a film featuring Will Ferrel ranting about the world for 2 hours??

BTW, since your clearing packin' heat, I'm going to have to lay off the crome-dome type jokes.

Cracker Jack Out!


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