Thursday, July 06, 2006

Running For President

No this is not a clever play on words about running but it is about a serious topic, birthdays. My 35th birthday recently passed and it marks one of the last real notable birthdays for me [as I see it]. Here are some of the important birthdays in ones life:

0 - Birth [most important because without this one, you wouldn't exist]
1 - Finally can be referred to in years instead of months [and PS I really find children being referred to as 20 months to be annoying and if that's the case, I would like to be referred to as 423 months old]
13 - Finally a teenager and no longer a child, except for the fact the 13 year olds are still children 16 - Can obtain a drivers license, although this law in Massachusetts is currently under heavy scrutiny
18 - This a double dip birthday, now you can vote and [for men] you have to register for the draft
21 - One word: A L C O H O L
25 - Now you can rent a car [to go buy alcohol on your way to vote]

Which brings us to 35: Age which you must be to run for President of the United States.

[Although Lisa added that at 55 I can apply for AARP, thanks hun!]

If Christopher Walken, Condoleezza Rice [who is not actually running], and General Zod [not sure a fictional character can run but ok] can have a website for their campaigns, why not Bottom Of The Barrel for mine? Actually I have created a new site on google pages which I will use to store all of my presidental writings, of course after they have been posted here first for my loyal daily readers of the BOTB.

While I was considering running for the Commander and Chief job, I have considered which political party to be aligned with and I was not happy with the Republican, Democratic, Libertarian, Green, Constitution or Reform Parties. So it occured to me that I would have to start my own called:

The All Night Party!

This will be the new party of the people. Or maybe the new party with the people? Everyday folks will help run the All Night Party.
My first big issue to takle is a running mate. Who would make a great Vice President? Who could you trust to be "a heartbeat" away from becoming the next leader of the free world? This is a difficult decision and I will look to my trusted advisors to give me some names of those who would compliment my personality and lack of military and political experience.

Thank you for all of the support I have received so far [I have secured 4 votes for 2008 and I want to give a big thanks to Kym, Scott and Lisa for their votes - I of course will vote for myself as well]. 4 votes down, only 62 million to go.


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