Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Idol, The Morning After Digital Week

First I wanted to ask, what's with the announcer for the judges? Kind of cool and definitely different but that change seemed to come out of nowhere. Anyway, this week the Idols get to choose #1 Downloads so we should get songs that are very current and very popular - at least popular to those how download music from the web.

Anoop Desai - Caught Up

Anoop certainly came out with a tone of confidence even if his vocal skills doesn't quite match his attitude. Overall a straightforward and very karaoke-esque like cover. I think my problem is every time I see Anoop, I am expecting Harold to pop out on stage.

Megan Joy - Turn Your Lights Down

And the karaoke continues. I actually felt bored watching Megan try to put her style on a Bob Marley song. I couldn't agree more with Kara that this song was bad a choice but even more it might be the worse choice of the season for any contestant.

Danny Gokey - What Hurts the Most

Even though the arrangement was really a straight cover, Danny covered it very well. Good control and solid vocals on a terrific song. Certainly the best of the night so far [and by a mile] but of course so that tonight that's not saying much right now.

Allison Iraheta - Don't Speak

For a girl who can totally rock, I'm not sure I like this song selection. I felt she ran some of the lyrics together in the front end of the song but straightened out a bit by the end. I agree with Paula that I liked her playing the axe but I wish she played it for the whole song.

Scott MacIntyre - Just the Way You Are

Brilliant song choice unfortunately the vocals were not quite as good. The best part of the song was the very good piano work. I guess he was legato [which I had to look up in the dictionary] so good for him for being "smooth and connected; without breaks between the successive tones."

Matt Giraud - You Found Me

Not sure if it was the sound system in the auditorium, but the beginning sounded awful. Unfortunately, it didn't get much better throughout the song. It's really sad [for me] because I thought he would go far but I'm not sure this helped his cause.

Lil Rounds - I Surrender

I don't know this song but I was underwhelmed by Lil this week. She has a huge voice that I don't think it filled this song very well. I guess this is just another bad song choice. Have we had any really good song choices?

Adam Lambert - Play That Funky Music

Cool [and funky] arrangement and I have to admit Adam is really an original - love him or hate him. I liked the first half of the song but the really high pitched sections I could have done without. PS Adam, great shout out to the band. That should help you down the line with more arrangements.

Kris Allen - Ain't No Sunshine

No Randy, this was the best performance of the night. Unbelievable arrangement. Controlled and nearly flawless vocals. And even had a touch of crowd participation on a song that would typically not be that engaging. Kris really did make something old new again.

Cream Of The Crop: Danny, Adam, Kris
Muddling In The Middle: Allison, Lil
Bottom Of The Barrel: Anoop, Megan, Scott, Matt
Should Go Home: Matt
Will Go Home: Megan

Will He/She Be Saved: I don't think Megan [or Scott or even Matt at his point] would be saved by the judges.



At 3:11 PM, April 01, 2009, Anonymous J-Man said...


Agree so much I will keep mine short...

Anoop: and when Harold does show up, he will be riding a giant cheetah! Anoop wasn't that bad, just not that good!

Megan: Sucks. Go home you corkscrewed tattooed Natasha Beddingfield wannabe!

I thought he was going to cry singing it. Great job, but I think this was extra charged because of his personal history.

Did she mean to drop the guitar and get hung up on the strap? Also, why are these old fart judges telling her not to dress like a teen? Next week they will say she is trying to look too old.

Sorry your blind, dude, and that was your best performance, but after Megan goes home this weekend, you're next.

By singing The Fray he lost anyone over 40 and under 17, both of which are demographics he can't afford to lose. His voice couldn't get out of the music's way.

Great vocal, old and slow, but still good I thought. Hello, wardrobe? Someone duct tape that bootay to hold it in! It looked like a store awning hanging off her back!

Quirky but fun, only guy whose scream is a musical note. Can't help but think of Mick Jagger, Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin, and Elvis all rolled into one.

Amazing performance, and this guy gets better and better every week. No wonder they saved him for last.

I only disagree that Megan will go home and should, Matt has good weeks, Megan has NONE. Also, could they just get Kara the *ahem* judge to SHUT THE HELL UP!


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