Friday, August 01, 2008

Bad Day

I knew this day was coming for the past 7 weeks and yesterday it finally arrived. I was feeling down and depressed, almost to the point of anger. It was one of those days where you know your in a bad mood but can't [and frankly don't want to] get yourself into a better place. My wife told me this is what PMS feels like.

At 1:30 the layoffs began and as I sat with the first guy I was letting go I suddenly had a rush of anxiety like you feel at a wake. Where no words come to mind and you feel like anything you do say to try and ease the person into this loss - it feels like it is only lip service and nothing I can say will be right or be helpful. An hour later I was finished and in the end the two gentlemen I have to let go made it as easy on my as I could have hoped for - no yelling or tears or accusations or anything like that. Just stoic nods over all the paperwork and a hearty handshake as they left the building.

I knew getting a management job and have a team report to me would have it's own stressers I had not had to endure as an individual contributor, but acting as the messenger in a job consolidation was one I was not fully prepared to handle. Let's just hope that this is an activity I do not have to be part of again for a very long time.



At 12:09 AM, August 04, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well as a guy, I have to admit that I get PMS at least once a month. No bleeding, but all of the mood and bloating.

Wino, sorry you had to do that. I'll guess that your leadership prior to this day was what made for the relatively smooth process.

Cheers to the idea that this type of day doesn't come along very often.

At 5:26 PM, August 04, 2008, Blogger TheWino said...

I double cheers to that. Or waas it 3 beers that night...


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