Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Joss Stone Show

If you get a chance to see a show at the Avalon Ballroom on Landsdowne Street in Boston, definitely go. This was my second time seeing a concert there and it is a great room where you can be very close to the artist even all the way at the back of the room. We spent the night in the balcony over looking the dance floor [or general admission pit if you will] watching the opening acts Javier and Ryan Shaw and then Joss Stone and her band.

Javier started the show sitting on a stool with his guitar and even opened with a JT track. He sounded really good and was an excellent way to mellow into the show. We bought his debut album and found it a little disappointing since it was a more traditional R & B and not very acoustic. Maybe his new album will be more like the show. Ryan Shaw came out with a traditional 4 piece band and played much more up-tempo dance/rock tracks to get the crowd going and they were pretty good. The only thing was Mr. Shaw tended to go a little jam-band on his songs and they kind of dragged on.

Just past 9, Joss's band took the stage and they let it rip. The 7 part band with 2 backup singers really came through strong and sounded awesome. Once Joss took the stage she jumped right into a blend of her old songs as well as some from the new album, which we really love. The first few songs she sounded as if her mic wasn't loud enough but, as she drank some tea between songs, it became obvious she was fighting through a sore throat or cold or something. However as she went through her set she sounded better and better.

Over all it was a pretty good show and if you haven't heard Ms. Stone's new album, check it out. It may just surprise you and quickly become one of your favorites too.


At 8:57 AM, June 14, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lee Lee said...

One of my favorites right now for sure! Definitely check it out..


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