Monday, November 27, 2006

Anti Double-R

Fandom is a subculture composed by like-minded fans (aficionados) characterized by a feeling of closeness to others who share the same interest. Such a community of keen aficionados can share a common interest in a wide selection of phenomena, such as authors, hobbies, genres or fashions. Fandom as a term can also be used to refer to the single interconnected social network of these individual fandoms, many of which overlap. While the term is applied to social networks surrounding many novelty interests, it has its roots in appreciation for science fiction.

So what is the opposite of Fandom? Well maybe a coummunity of like-minded individuals who all dislike the same thing. For example, The Rachael Ray Sucks Community. As noted on the RRSC site, this community was created for people that hate the untalented twit known as Rachael Ray. Rachael Ray is annoying for many reasons but here are a few: she is repetitive, she talks with her hands way too much, she giggles incessantly, she puts olive oil and chicken stock in everything, she wears really ugly clothing, she talks out of one side of her mouth like she's had a stroke, she looks like "The Joker" when she smiles, and she can't stop talking about her family. If you loathe Rachael Ray as much as we do, join this community and talk shit about her! If you actually like Rachael Ray and think this community is evil, go cry in your garbage bowl and shut the hell up.

While the last two sentences above might be a bit harsh, I personally can't watch her show. I too find it quit annoying. Anyway, give the RRSC a read, you might find some pretty funny observations there and you might just become an anit-fandom member yourself.

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