Thursday, July 10, 2008

Jesse and Barack say interesting things

Sure the camera was off but shouldn't comments like this, which you did not expect to hit the net, be kept to yourself and only shared in real privacy?

I find it odd that if Reverend Jackson has this much anger toward Barrack, why he wouldn't just say it out loud [perhaps choosing different language of course]? I mean, when has Jesse ever held back his personal views on anything?

In a related story, we should all learn Spanish.

While I don't disagree with some of Barack's comments, why Spanish? He mentioned in his "argument" for bi-linguality, that Europeans travel to the US and can speak English, French and German. Since they don't feel the need to learn Spanish, why should we? I say we have a new movement for bi-lingual signs and documents here in the US but the language of choice will be chosen by random for the benefit of our guests from other countries. O tal vez todos podemos atenernos sólo a Inglés.

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At 10:13 AM, July 11, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, I feel like an old conservative fart when I start to agree with John McCain's henchmen that this nation is loaded up with iPhone toting, Spanish-speaking, suicidal-texting whiners!

How is this for a crazy idea: Instead of being the culmination of hundreds of years of progress in civil rights, a Barack Obama presidency sends race relations back fifty years, shining light on the fact that very little real progress has been made in terms of equality. Instead of a melting pot, a black (though some say not black enough) president would further segregate blacks and whites, particularly if Barack does not deliver on his campaign promises in office. Honestly, there are plenty of true racists out there (not just people who hate rap music) just waiting to say, "I told you so."

Furthermore, a Barack Obama presidency would embolden more bull$hit news pieces like CNN's "Black in America" series. Honestly, how can we expect to have more Black American success stories like Barack Obama when the message is that it is OK to be a failure or a criminal or a deadbeat Dad because life is extra hard for you because the color of your skin? There are millions of smart and talented young Black Americans who are being held back in life because their peers drag them down. I hope that a Barack Obama presidency (or even presidential bid) ispires them to succeed and creates a new kind of "race card" to play.


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