Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Six Feet Under - The Projection

Having just finished season 1 of Six Feet Under on DVD [I know I am about 7 years behind on this but in my defense I didn't have HBO 7 years ago] and I really like this series. If you have not seen the show, go out and give it a try. The humor is dry, the language is raw and the sex is abundant. It mixes life and death well and other than coming to enjoy Michael C. Hall as David, which was difficult if you know him as Dexter, the characters are all very much characters.

Based on the first season only - just 13 episodes - I am going to predict the end of the series:

Episode 60 - Nate drops to the floor from a stroke caused by his arteriovenous malformation. In an attempt to save him, Brenda drives recklessly to the hospital to save him but accidentally hits her brother, who was biking, and crashes into a gas truck exploding into a fiery ball. Ironically, there in nothing left to bury.

Episode 61:

David dies from a freak suffocation when he is accidentally pinned under a 300 pound corpse which falls on top of him while being prepped for a viewing. If only Nate hadn't dies the day before he would have been there to save him. Keith overcome with sorrow decides to turn straight and become a deacon his local Church.

Episode 62:

Ruth has had a long forming love affair with both Nikolai and Hiram which tragically ends when she has an extacy flashback and and stabs them both during their very first threesome. Overcome with guilt she sets fire to the funeral home and it burns to the ground. Now there is nothing left of the home, Ruth or David, who was on the slab in the basement.

Episode 63:

Claire and Frederico decide to become partners and rebuild the business, from the ground up. Frederico is happy that he has finally become a partner but sad over the deep losses his "family" has had. Claire continues to abuse drugs and Frederico over the rebuilding process and in their final argument over which name is listed first on the business' sign, Claire pushes Frederico from the unfinished second floor all the way into the basement however he grabs her leg on the way down and they both fall 3 floors and die instantly.

Just then Nathaniel Sr. sits up suddenly in bed and we realize the whole thing was a dream and that he is alive, he still has the room, Nate is still in Seattle, David is still in the closet, Ruth is still the wall flower wife, and Claire is still sucking guys toes in her very own avocado green hearse.

Roll credits.

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At 10:48 AM, June 25, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lee Lee said...
Hysterical...THE END


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