Monday, July 16, 2007

Take a deep breath

It was 12:10 am on Saturday night and I was standing in a very brightly lit parking lot on route 9 in Shrewsbury. My eyes follow his finger to the left, then to the right, back to the left and then to the right. I speak "ABCDEFGHJIKLMNOPQR ummm STUVWXYZ". My heart is racing, can feel my muscles tensing under the pressure. I take 9 steps forward, turn around military style and return to my starting position taking exactly 9 more steps. Lastly I stood on my left foot counting from 1-1000 to 30-1000 as my face becomes flush with fear.

As I return t my car, I can feel my hands shaking and my chest pounding but I quickly regain control and slowly drive away from the Massachusetts State Police Sobriety Check Point. I had a few glasses of wine with dinner however had been drinking water for a couple of hours after dinner so I knew I was fine to drive but your mind does race when faced with the very real notion you might be arrested. Of course a day removed [and without the stress of a dozen state troopers standing around] I was able to recite the alphabet perfectly and even get through it backwards pretty good.

Life is a very intricate web of connections, coincidences and timed events. If we had not run into a former co-worker and her boyfriend at the restaurant how long would we have actually stayed? What if we didn't sit at the bar and drink water for two hours and then go home, would the field test come out different? Would I have missed it completely or worse failed? There are no answers to these questions, only things to consider, being thankful for the ending we got to a great Saturday and food for thought going forward.


At 11:03 AM, July 16, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lee Lee said....
I am still thanking God for meeting up with Kim and Sean. You are right, how long would we have been there drinking water....
It was an experience as a bystander watching her husband surrounded by cops with looks of guilt for him in their eyes and waiting to arrest someone, anyone who is or may be drunk to make their night more exciting. They are doing their job, I realize it but when you watch your husband mess up the alphabet on shear nerves and not alcohol you start to see your life flash of how tonight may change the course of your happy existance!
This experience change us for the good.

At 11:25 AM, July 17, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It could have been worse, you could have been texting someone as you drove through the checkpoint!

At 9:18 PM, July 17, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...


It could have been worse, and as Lee Lee says, you can always treat it as a lesson learned. As your friend, I am going to step up and recommend that you admit to yourself that #1, you have a problem, and that #2, you have the power to change it yourself. If you need me to, I would be proud to sponsor you at the next Alphabetics Anonymous meeting.


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