Tuesday, January 30, 2007


If sex sells, why not coffee? Cowgirls Espresso, Moka Girls, The Sweet Spot Cafe, Bikini Espresso, and Natte Latte represent a new wave of drive-thru coffee shops opening up in the pacific northwest serving hot beverages and a little eye candy for dessert.

Certainly to compete with the likes of Starbucks [who complete with themselves in several areas of Seattle] and Seattle's Best, you are going to have to offer a premium product, deep discounts or a gimmick to bring in the customers. How does School Girl Thursdays or Peach Paasion Fruit Scone or Erotic Pleasure sound? I'm not sure if their coffee is any good but it does look like they'll be getting a lot of repeat customers looking for their morning fix.

How about Barista Boston? Not sure how that would work on a morning like today [about 20 degrees to start the day] but it could just be the next big franchise of the new millennium. Look out Dunkin, the Barista is coming for you.

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At 10:38 PM, January 30, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, New England Coffee Chicks would work out pretty well on the cold days of winter. Nothing like staring down two smuggled coffee beans on a pair of well-rounded scones to start your day!


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