Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Did the judge say something mean to you?

I, like most of America, get some entertainment out of the early rounds of American Idol because it's like watching a train wreck - it's awful to watch but for some reason you can't look away. Looking at a given number of contestants, you have the top 2%that are actually good enough to move on to the next step, 2% that have no business even being there and the other 96% that are in the middle. In the final weeks of the show we get to vote on those top 2% and pick a single American Idol but in the first few weeks we get to watch the bottom 2% become train wrecks before our eyes.

Now if you are one of those folks who waits 10 to 12 hours just want to get your 15 minutes of fame you should expect a bit of criticism for your performance. I don't buy it that these people's friends and family continually encourage and praise them for their [lack of] signing talent. There is a difference between a proud parent who continually encourages their child and giving someone the false illusion of grandeur for talents that just are not there.

On a side note, getting to Hollywood where there is a voice coach will not fix your already bad voice. At some level singing is like most things in life that is made up of 80% God given talent. Also we do not want another Taylor Hicks and Chris Daughtry knock-off. Look at the winners over the past 5 years - all have been different from the next and each has their own distinct style.

Let's also not forget that this competition is about entertainment, ratings and money and who would want to watch a bunch of "no-talent ass clowns" signing poorly without a bit of criticism and sarcasm? Not me and probably not the other 37.3 million viewers.

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At 4:13 PM, January 25, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heh, heh. You said "no-talent ass clowns". Heh heh.

Sadly, we like American Idol because we can watch it with the girls (all under age 8) and everyone likes it. However, these early weeks are quickly becoming off limits for them, with all of middle fingers and swearing. Top that off with a cast of characters trying to sing that you would more likely see urinating in a subway corner and it kind of turns you off after a half-hour. If I want to see mentally disturbed people, I will tune into Hitler week on the History Channel. Come on, Fox, you're better than that!


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