Friday, January 26, 2007

Curt's Second Pitch

Even though he said running for the Senate was not on his 2008 agenda, could you imagine what an interesting race it would be between Curt Schilling and John Kerry? I can't imagine any of those members of Sox Nation voting against the guy who gave us all he had [and one now famous bloody sox, I mean sock] and brought a world series championship back to Boston after an 86 year drought and one wicked long curse. WRKO-AM was the first to discuss the idea of Schilling going political and it was further fueled by an article in today's Boston Herald. Both have polls asking the people if he is someone you would vote for. Right now he has a 96% to 4% margin over Kerry in the WRKO poll while the Herald pool shows him as nearly 30 points ahead of other possible candidates for the job. And what does the man himself say about this grassroots support he is getting:

  • “I couldn’t rule it out because it’s not something I ever thought about in a serious capacity.”
  • “I envision that I will probably be pretty busy in 2008, But I’m flattered as hell to even make this phone call.”
  • “While I am a registered voter, I have too many problems with the political scene, and I don’t think I’d fit into it”
  • His first task would be to “fire everybody and anybody who had anything to do with the Big Dig."

While I'm no political analyst, I would say those are the comments from a man who understands how to speak to the public and could very well have his eyes on Washington DC someday. Maybe just not in 2008. In the meantime, Big Schill will be quite busy over the next year working on his second World Series ring with the Red Sox, running his charitable foundation for ALS research - Curt's Pitch for ALS - and heading up his new video game business, Green Monster Games. Good luck with all 3 Curt!

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At 2:20 PM, January 26, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard that Barack Obama can throw a pretty mean slider, too.


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