Thursday, September 28, 2006

Animal activists out of control

Last night, Cambridge Firefighters responded to a fire at the Boston Tropical Fish and Reptiles on the Monsignor O'Brien Highway. Firefighters who responded to battle the flames say some of the panicked animals, namely the snakes, actually wrapped themselves around the firefighters legs making this bad situation even worse. A total of 28 animals died including snakes, turtles, lizards and fish. Fire officials believe the store was targeted by animal activists since graffiti sprayed on the outside of the building read "no more exploitation of animals".

If this is true, I don't get it [and I believe it is because I think this kind of graffiti is something a pet store owner would notice if it was there before the fire]. How hypocritical of someone who claims to be an animal lover and protector to needlessly kill innocent animals, destroy private property and endanger the lives of local residents and our fearless public servants. Does this further their “cause” or only create additional public outrage for the activists themselves? I think this is a big step backward and in the immortal words of Shooter McGavin "Go back to your shanties!"


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