Tuesday, May 23, 2006

2006-2007 TV Lineup

The major networks have put out there planned programming for all to see and some have even put together slick web based interfaces to show off what they have up their sleeve for this fall. Here is a list of shows that I think will be interesting this fall:

ABC - 6 Degrees looks like a Lost style show without the sci-fi angle.
CBS - Not a lot of new shows on the #1 network but I do look forward to the return of HIMYM.
CW - Nothing new of interest on the new CBS/UPN/WB network yet. They may be working on some other shows that are not publicly announced.
FOX - We'll all just be waiting for AI to return in the mid-season next year.
NBC - Heroes looks intreging and, if successful, would have unlimited possibilities for story lines for ordinary people with extraordinary abilities [like the X-Men movies and their ability to continually role out new characters].

As for slick design, NBC's first look is by far the coolest presentation of their fall schedule. I give a virtual pat-on-the-back to their flash developers for their work. Very very cool.


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