Thursday, August 14, 2008

Special Tropical Thrunder

Th Special Olympics are outraged at the use of the term "retard" in the film Tropic Thunder, which is used to describe a character with intellectual disabilities. "Our population is hurt and offended," Special Olympics spokeswoman Kirsten Seckler said yesterday. "You wouldn't throw around the N-word like this." By contrast, Seckler said Peter and Bobby Farrelly approached Special Olympics before filming "The Ringer," a comedy in which Johnny Knoxville pretends to be mentally challenged so he can win the Special Olympics. "The Farrellys did sensitivity training with the cast and also hired people with intellectual disabilities," Seckler said. "They were absolutely great."

Sure everyone needs to be more sensitive to those who have an intellectual disability however I have a few problems with the statements above:

1. It's a movie
2. Retard is a shorten version of a medical the medical term Mental Retardation
3. Retard has entered the general lexicon as someone who is acted/spoken in a stupid manner but does not have any diagnosed metal disabilities
4. On the other hand, Nigger is derogatory term used to refer to dark-skinned people who's origin is the accusative form of the Latin word niger simply meaning black.
5. While the Special Olympics are a wonderful organization, they are no American Association on Mental Retardation
6. I suggest Kirsten Seckler watch Pulp Fiction [or other Quentin Tarantino film's] or even listen to any hip hop artist in the past 10 years
7. It's a movie

Hopefully in hindsight the Special Olympics will see how [insert word of choice here] it is to attack satirical material and instead focus their energy at providing events for the intellectual disabled here in the US.

PS: Thank god I named my stupid blog the Bottom Of The Barrel instead of Mr. Wino's Retarded Daily Ramblings. I don't need that kind of publicity.



At 11:34 AM, August 18, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, but I will probably pony up the cost of a ticket to see Tropic Thunder in the theatres. I can't get enough retard jokes. I didn't ride to school on the short bus, but I am sick of people who can't laugh at themself.

People who do stupid things are retards.

People who act pretentious and wear mock turtlenecks are fags whether they are homosexuals or not.

People who act like thugs or have a posse of any kind are niggers whether their skin is white or black.

And it looks like Tropic Thunder is an equal opportunity offender, so I will probably enjoy it!


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