Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Abrams continues his assult on the net

Now that Cloverfield has blown up the box office over the weekend [as in $46 million dollars - highest ever January opening], über producer/director J. J. Abrams has begun to tease us with his next project - The Star Trek reboot due this Christmas. Here is the teaser trailer for the upcoming 11th Trek film:

Knowing how Abrams loves to leverage the internet to create buz around his projects, it should come as no surprise the the official movie site would lead [for those who are observant enjoy to notice the red dot next to "Under Construction"] to an add on site/alternative reality game called the NCC-1701 Shipyard which currently shows 3 out of 4 working cameras of the construction of the famous ship. Note reloading the page will change the working cameras and each view has a slider to bring the image into focus. I can't wait to see what the BadRobot team dreams up for this site over the next 11 months. Surf Long and Prosper.


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