Monday, November 19, 2007

HIMYM: Slapsgivings

The Slap Bet clock has been counting down since September 24th and tonight, at approximately 8:25 [and 58 seconds], Barney will get his third slap from Marshall at Slaps - what for it - giving, Slapsgiving. The slap bet started when Robin refuses to go to the mall so Marshall and Barney propose a slap bet no why. [Marshall thinks it's because she's married, while Barney thinks she was in porn.]

Here's a quick recap of how it mostly happened:

At the end of the episode we find out that Robin avoids the mall because she was a teenage pop star in Canada as Robin Sparkles and had to perform her song Let's Go To The Mall in malls all over Canada. Here's her very 80's music video "released" in the mid 90's [note the 80's didn't get to Canada until the 90's]:

"I'm gonna rock yo body til' Canada Day!" - Classic

Lily gives Barney the option of either getting 10 times in succession or 5 times for all of eternity. Barney chooses the latter and he gets one slap that night. Marshall doses out a second one at the end of Barney's one man show called Suck It Lily and tonight he is going to get his third. Can't wait to see Barney take another open-handed slap in one of the best running themes in a current sitcom.


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