Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Still close to our hearts

6 years have passed since September 11th and the selflessness of the public servants that responded that day still moves me to this day. On our recent trip to New York, we were walking down 8th Ave and this painting on the side of the Midtown Fire House stopped me in my tracks:

[Click Image for Expanded View]

The Engine 54, Ladder 4, Battalion 9 station at 48th Street and Eighth Avenue specializes in skyscraper fires and rescues and is reputed to be the busiest station of any in all of New York City. On that day, they were the hardest hit station in the entire city losing 17 firefighters. The station patch reads "Pride of Midtown" and "Never Missed a Performance" and though they were hit hard 6 years ago and those lost will not be forgotten, the brave men and women of Midtown continue to keep the pride alive and never stop performing. Today we remember those who have gone before us and salute those who continue the tradition of the Pride of Midtown.


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