Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Secret of The Secret

The Secret is a film [and subsequently a book] by Rhonda Byrne describing what she calls the universal [and perfect] Law of Attraction. Byrne's Secret is that if you imagine something [great wealth, a spouse, the perfect weight, ect.] it will be yours because it will be attracted it to you. With a vision in your mind, firm belief in the vision and daily focus on the vision - the vision will be yours because like attracts to like. Your thoughts will attract the thing in your thoughts.

On the surface some of these ideas make sense. In order to attain anything in this life you first must has a vision of what you want. If you want a new job, you must first have an idea of what kind of job you want. That makes sense and this is not a real revelation and many motivational speakers have been saying the very same thing for years.

However a couple of things I have disagree with. First, the idea that all I have to do is have a thought, truly believe in it and it will happen defies standard logic. If I want to weight 190 pounds and see my perfect weight in my head and believe in the vision but do not change my eating habits or exercise routines, my weight can not change. Here is where I think the book misses the mark on what the real secret is. Have a vision, believe in your vision and then act on it - everyday. Without action, there can be no reaction or as Byrne puts it, the universe presenting your vision to you.

Second The Secret has a section that a person who attracts great wealth, then loses it and then reacquires it is someone who had the right vision but when they received the wealth began to worry about losing, so they did. This seems quite convenient and a self-fulfilling prophecy. I really struggle with the concept that The Secret works for everyone except those who don't believe so if you do not receive what you expect than your doing it wrong. When The Secret doesn't work, I would say the visionary is not watching for the opportunities that meet the vision and simply waiting for it to occur without action.

The Secret is a good read and I do think it can be very effective if you use The [Bottom of The Barrel] Secret 2.0 - Vision + Belief + Action = Reaction and Reward!


At 11:18 AM, September 20, 2007, Blogger Thom Rutledge said...

Please consider another perspective on The Secret. As a psychotherapist, I have some very serious concerns about some of the drastic over-simplifications and just plain inaccurate information being disseminated by this project.

…concerned enough to have created a new web site to address what I think is poisonous about The Secret. If you have time, please check out "The Antidote":

Thanks. TR


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