Is my name popular?
Ever wonder if there were other people in this country with your name? Well wonder no more because
How Many Of Me has a search engine that can answer that very question. For me, it says there is only one other EL out there. For my wife, she's the one-and-only,
natch. As for some other names, there are 49,535 people named
John Smith, 1,048 people named
James Bond, 113 people named
Harry Potter in the United States - give or take. I also found that there are 295 John and 22 Jane Doe's. I feel bad for those 318 people who are better know as the unidentified corpse or unknown defendant. Anyway, go on, give it a try. Maybe you'll be a only child like Lisa or have many brethren like Mr. Smith does and hopefully you won't be an unknown like Mr. and Mrs. Doe.
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