Monday, January 12, 2009

Burger King app is anti-facebook

The new Burger King Facebook application, called the Whopper Sacrifice, may help the chain drum up some business but might not gain them any friends from Facebook Corporate. The Whopper Sacrifice is a Facebook application which you can add to your profile and if you sacrifice, or remove from your account, 10 friends you will get a coupon for a free Whopper. According to their website [at the time of this post], they have 187,002 total sacrifices from Facebook on behalf of Burger King.

Two things occur to me as I contemplate this new wizz-bang BK application: 1. It is very anti-facebook and 2. Is disconnecting with 10 "friends" worth $2.69? Facebook, and all other social-networking sites are about connecting with people, old classmates, co-workers or new friends. Giving a free sandwich for those who decide to disconnect seems to go against everything a social-network is designed to be. I am curious if any upper management types of Facebook contacted a similar leveled employee at Burger King to discuss this new deconstructive application? Also is whacking 10 people who you have conscientiously added to your Facebook profile worth a free Whopper? In a country where obesity continues to climb at alarming rates, I would think not. Plus couldn't we all use a few more friends in life? Maybe if we were all just bit more friendly to people around us, we might just all be happier [and thinner for eating healthy instead of chowing down on a 530 calorie "sandwich"].



At 12:55 PM, January 12, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

E--I was trying to find a good way to tell you that I didn't want to be your FB friend anymore. This is a great out. Enjoy your Whopper.

At 2:15 PM, January 12, 2009, Blogger TheWino said...

lol. Can I friend you 9 more times and then "Whopper" you for a total of 10 sacracfices?

At 12:37 PM, January 14, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lee Lee said...if I knew then what I know now, I would have accepted all those old college girlfriends who wanted in and I ignore them. DAMN IT!


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