Friday, August 03, 2007

Privacy Rant

While working in Customer Support for a software company you get asked many, many odd things however this mornings call was by far the oddest and quite frustrating when the caller doesn't get the hint. Here is a paraphrased transcript for your reading pleasure:

Caller "Hi, I was just disconnected from speaking with someone there and I was wondering if you had the contact information for the owner of Company X?"

Support "I know that Company X went out of business, other than that I have no more information on them."

Caller "You company is listed on their website so I was hoping you had a forwarding number for him."

Support "They were a past user of our software however I'm fairly sure he didn't give us a forwarding number when they went out of business."

Caller "I understand, I am just trying to reconnect with him and was hoping you had his number. Actually I spoke with him last week but I didn't write down his cell number."

Support "Let's start over, who did you speak with here today?"

Caller "I'm not sure but they had a heavy accent and I couldn't really understand them very well. He said he was going to check with sales for me."

Support "Well I'll tell you what, you give me your name and number and if I can find his number here I will call you however if I am unable to locate it, I won't".

Caller gives name and number.

Support writes it down.

Caller "By the way do you know his last name?"

Support "I don't and to be honest, I'm not really sure it is appropriate to be giving our customers contact information out like this."

Caller "I know, I understand and thank you for your time."

Support "No problem."

Caller "By the way, if it will make you feel any better, I have been out fishing the past fours days and have been skunked each day."

Support "Well hopefully today will be a better day."

Caller "Ok, well have a great weekend."

Support "You too."

Come on! You spoke with him last week but lost his number and was hoping his former software supplier would have his new number just in case someone called looking for it? Plus you want us to just give out our customers information at your random request? Plus random fishing anecdote to lengthen said call is not making it any better. Two words describe this caller - Jack Ass! Maybe I'll sign him up for call backs from several random companies and see if he likes talking odd phone calls.

Ok rant over, have a great weekend everyone and I hope you're not skunked like mr. caller was.


At 12:37 PM, August 03, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lee Lee said...
What a putz! Being skunk'd couldn't have happened to a nicer guy! What was he going to ask next, what his favorite flower was so he could send him some?....oh he couldn't cuz he didn't know his last name...J&*K A$$
Sounds like you need a relaxing weekend in Maine?


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